You're having a lot of fun with yours Xbox and, in particular, you are playing quite a lot at Fortnite, the popular video game Battle Royale by Epic Games. However, you are not sure how to use the voice chat feature and would need some guidance. No problem: I'm […]
All your friends play Fortnite e, vista la popolarità di questo gioco, hai deciso di tuffarti anche tu in quest’avventura videoludica. Prima di procedere, però, ti è sorto un dubbio: quello di non poter giocare a Fortnite dalla tua Xbox, […]
Your friends play Fortnite su Nintendo Switch and they invited you to join their games. After a few losses, you realized that the game experience could be significantly improved if you could communicate vocally with your teammates, in order to warn them about the […]
Quando hai scaricato Fortnite su Nintendo Switch, è stata talmente tanta la voglia di giocare che hai scelto il tuo nickname frettolosamente, senza badarci troppo. In realtà avevi intenzione di fare solo una prova, ma poi il gioco ti ha preso la mano ed è diventato […]
Molti dei tuoi amici giocano a Fortnite e così, incuriosito da questo videogioco ormai popolare e divenuto il fulcro di molte conversazioni, ti sei deciso finalmente a scaricarlo e installarlo sul tuo computer. Hai quindi prontamente mandato la richiesta […]
Fortnite is one of the most popular video games ever. Known as one of the main titles belonging to the Battle Royale genre, even if in reality it was not quite like this at the beginning, the Epic Games game has achieved such popularity that it can afford to include […]
Your friends talk about nothing but Fortnite, a third-person multiplayer shooter originally available for computers and video game consoles that was later also released on smartphones and tablets. In this regard, from the moment you are in possession of a iPhone, […]
Stai provando a diventare un giocatore esperto di Fortnite, il noto titolo Battle Royale di Epic Games, e ti stai allenando su PlayStation 4 per raggiungere il tuo obiettivo. Le tue sessioni di gioco sono ormai dominate da questo titolo e non riesci quasi più […]
When did you start playing Fortnite on your PlayStation 4 did you choose a name that you no longer like? Would you like to change it but you don't know how to do it? Then know that you've come to the right place at the right time! In the course of this guide, […]
All your friends do nothing but talk about Fortnite but, unfortunately you, not having a gaming computer or even a video game console, are cut off from their talk. Recently, however, you learned about the arrival of this famous multiplayer title on smartphones […]