You just started playing Fortnite sulla tua PS4 e hai già trovato una skin che muori dalla voglia di acquistare? Vorresti tanto sfoggiare quel costume accattivante che è in offerta in questi giorni, per distinguere il tuo personaggio da quelli […]
Giocando assiduamente a Fortnite on your PS4, ti sei accorto che alcuni utenti sono in grado di effettuare delle mosse a velocità incredibili. Il tuo desiderio è quindi quello di “emulare” le loro gesta professionisti e provare a competere con loro nel popolare […]
You are a video game lover and, at the moment, your favorite video game is Fortnite: the famous multiplayer title of Epic Games, which you have only recently started but which is already giving you a lot of satisfactions. In this regard, since you intend to play […]
You are an "avid" player of Fortnite, Epic Games' popular Battle Royale title. In particular, you have installed the game on your computer and are having a lot of fun playing with your friends. However, you find that the keys set by default do not allow you to […]
How to get Free Turkeys in Fortnite: Free Turkey Generator What we all know for sure is that Fortnite clear, is that Fortnite continues and continues to grow, what started out as a classic battle royale game, has ended up being a game with many different different […]
Quando hai scaricato Fortnite su Nintendo Switch, è stata talmente tanta la voglia di giocare che hai scelto il tuo nickname frettolosamente, senza badarci troppo. In realtà avevi intenzione di fare solo una prova, ma poi il gioco ti ha preso la mano ed è diventato […]
Recently, while playing a Fortnite, you noticed something different than usual: a player has customized his nickname in a very original way, adding a smiley to the name displayed in the game. You think this change is really interesting and would like to know how […]
The translations of video games do not drive you crazy and that of Fortnite, which you recently downloaded to yours PlayStation 4, unfortunately it is no exception. Therefore, you would like to change the language of the famous battle royale produced by Epic Games […]
All your friends play Fortnite e, vista la popolarità di questo gioco, hai deciso di tuffarti anche tu in quest’avventura videoludica. Prima di procedere, però, ti è sorto un dubbio: quello di non poter giocare a Fortnite dalla tua Xbox, […]
You found out that your best friend plays Fortnite and, intrigued by this, you too have installed the famous multiplayer title developed by Epic Games. Unfortunately, however, all your attempts to add him to your list of friends within the video game did not […]