Durante l’ultima partite a Fortnite, hai visto tantissimi giocatori dare vita a veri e propri flash mob virtuali, scatenandosi in gioco con folli danze. Vorresti partecipare anche tu a questi eventi, ma purtroppo sei alle prime armi con questo gioco e non ne […]
When you first registered a Fortnite did you enter your email address wrong? Have you changed your email inbox and now would like to fix the information associated with your Epic Games account, in order to have an updated account in Fortnite too? Then you will […]
Have you heard of the latest fabulous skins of Fortnite, the iconic title of Epic Games, but you can't get them because they cost too much or did you arrive late and are no longer available? Yep, some skins are made available by developers for a period of time […]
You would like to start from scratch with your account on Fortnite? Do you have a Fortnite profile where you have unlocked multiple levels and skins, would you like to take it to another gaming platform but don't know how to proceed? Then you will be happy to know […]
You just started playing Fortnite and would you like to learn to thank the driver? Do you think the poor man who drives the bus over the game island does a hard job and deserves a medal? You will be happy to know that you are in the right place at the right time, […]
Fortnite, il popolare videogioco Battle Royale di Epic Games, è abbastanza semplice da giocare in superficie. Tuttavia, “nasconde” delle meccaniche avanzate che vanno assolutamente padroneggiate se si vuole riuscire a impensierire i giocatori […]
Your friends talk about nothing but Fortnite, a third-person multiplayer shooter originally available for computers and video game consoles that was later also released on smartphones and tablets. In this regard, from the moment you are in possession of a iPhone, […]
Ultimamente ti stai divertendo molto a giocare a Fortnite, il famoso videogioco Battle Royale sviluppato da Epic Games. A tal proposito, ora avresti l’esigenza di collegare il tuo account di gioco a un’altra piattaforma, servizio o videogame ma non […]
All your friends play Fortnite e molti di essi sfoggiano con fierezza i costumi e le emote dei propri personaggi, che hanno ottenuto spendendo cifre considerevoli. Tu, invece, non impazzisci all’idea di investire grosse somme di denaro in contenuti del genere, […]
Are you an avid gamer of Fortnite su Xbox One and you feel the need to customize your virtual avatar, to give it a unique touch that best represents you. Speaking of which, you've heard of the possibility of getting costumes in Fortnite, but you don't know how […]